Money Saving Tips

Monday, 23 February 2009

Do you, like me keep hearing that the money is in the list?

And it is certainly true that if you have your own list of subscribers / purchasers then they are more likely to spend money on what you have to offer. But what happens if you don’t have your own list? Well you can put up a website or a blog and get people to subscribe to your newsletters etc. and this is a must do if you want to be successful online. The downside to this is that it can take some to build up a substantial list. However there are programs available that you can join that already have a number of subscribers that you can then use as your list.

These programs offer many different ways of using them but essentially they all have one thing in common and that is you can email a certain number of subscribers at a set frequency depending on your own membership level.

I have listed here the ones that I have used for the past year or so with some success, there are others that I have tried but had no success with so I have not listed them.

List Bandit This gives you three lists and has both free and pro membership.
Listdotcom This list has over 100.000 subscribers and again has both free and pro membership.
List Joe Again this has both free and pro membership.
List Auction Another list builder that has worked well for me.

These are just four of the many list builders available, that I have used and have had success with, I hope that you do to.

Happy list building.

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