Now I'll be honest here this isn't going to make your fabulously wealthy, but tell me who wouldn't like another £50 to £300 free for doing what you already do? And as John Thornhill would say it is another income stream and many small ones build up to make a large one.
There is a second way of earning an income from Home Page Friends and that is by referring other people. And the site makes this easy to do. Once you have set up your account go to the "My Administration" page and on the right hand side you will see a button "Earn More Money". Click this and the simply enter your friends email addresses and they will recieve an email inviting them to join. Then when they search you get a percentage of their search revenues too.
Setting up the account is simple, it took me abour 3 minutes from start to finish, the instructions on the website are clear and simple to follow.
Now there is a small drawback as this search engine is in it's youth the returns are not always as comprehensive as say Yahoo but for most common searchs it is more than adequate. If you don't find what you are looking for you can always use Google or Yahoo.
To get your account set up goto and start getting a share of that search engine revenues.